Useful links

Below you will find an array of useful links to other online-resources of different kinds. We are very willing to update the list, so please send us more useful links if you are aware of any. (Some are in danish)

Representation in Philosophy

Kvindelige Tænkere i historie og samtid – Facebook (Aarhus uni) (Mostly in danish)

Project Vox: revealing voices

Encyclopedia of Concise Concepts by Women Philosophers

The Center for History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (Paderborn University)

Forskningsprojekt: Archeology of the Female Intellectual Identity (Germany + Denmark 1650-1800) (Københavns Universitet)

35 Brilliant Women from the History of Philosophy (2019, Maks Sipowicz, Noteworthy Journal Blog)

List of Women Philosophers (Wikipedia)

Looks Philosophical (blog)

What is it like to be a woman in philosophy? (blog)

Gender, Bias and Sexism/Discrimination

Implicit bias in academia: A challenge to the meritocratic principle and to women’s careers – And what to do about it (2018, League of European Research Universities)

The gendered system of academic publishing (The Lancet 2018)

Sexism in Academia (Wikipedia)

Should female faculty get bonus points to correct for gender bias in student evaluations? (2015, Sara Prittchard, The Conversation)

The Odds That a Panel Would ‘Randomly’ Be All Men Are Astronomical (2015, Lauren Bacon, The Atlantic)

Women Matter: Ten years of insights on gender diversity (2017, McKinsey)

Defend Your Research: What Makes a Team Smarter? More Women (2011, A Woolley & T Malone, Havard Business Review)

Nationalbankens direktør i usædvanlig advarsel: »Mangel på ligestilling er et stort økonomisk problem« (2019, Mette Dalgaard, Berlingske) (DR gengivelse) (In danish)

Good Girls: How Powerful Men Get Away With Sexual Predation (2017, Kate Manne, Huffingtonpost)

Discrimination and Disadvantage (blog 2015-2019)

Biopolitical philosophy (blog 2019 – ) (facebook parallel)

APA: Diversity and Inclusiveness Theme (American Philosophical Association blog)

Feminist Killjoy (blog)

Friktion: Magasin for køn, krop og kultur (Mostly danish but some articles are in english)

PLURALISTERNE : listotek til fremme for diversitet i mediebilledets ekspert-pool ( In danish)

FRONT (facebook) :Association that works against structural discrimination in educational establishments.

Other Networks for Women and/or Non-binary people in Philosophy

International Association for Women Philosophers

SWIP: Society for Women in Philosophy | UK , Irland , Tyskland , Italien , Nederlandene , Østrig , New York Analytical Philosohy | Wikipedia-opslag

Bergensnettverket for kvinner i filosofi (facebook parallel) (In norwegian and sometimes english)

MAP: Minorities and Philosophy